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12/2019 (357)»Personel i Zarządzanie

Recruitment Ninja for the 2020s

Recruitment remains a battlefield in the war for talent and attraction of the best candidates. While on the face of it, the task is much the same as it has always been, recruitment in the digital age both facilitates and necessitates a more radical approach. It can’t be that difficult, can it? Recruitment simply involves filling vacancies, ideally, with a like-for-like person who fits the...

  • George Sandford
    AuthorGeorge Sandford
    Pracował jako menedżer HR i konsultant ds. zarządzania i trener, współzałożyciel wydawnictwa Praski Publishing. Publikował w “Personnel Today”, “Business English Magazine”, autor książki (Cambridge University Press) „English for Human Resources” i około 4