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Nr 5»Personel i Zarządzanie

Emotions in a crisis

Seventy-seven years and four generations – this is how much time has passed since World War II. After so much time it’s difficult to imagine that war here in Europe is possible. When the unimaginable happens, we can become either frantic with worry or can flee from our own feelings - in order to function, work and attend to daily duties. Neither of these strategies serve us well and they definitely don’t support us in leading others. What then can we do instead?
Seventy-seven years and four generations that have not known war. That’s ample time to forget that war is even possible. Although wars, genocide, military conflicts, death have raged all these years in the world, further away from us, maybe we have sunk into a kind of lethargy. Maybe we have forgotten that peace is fragile and something to take care of. Hence, following the night of 23rd/24th...

  • Marzena Zwierzycka
    AuthorMarzena Zwierzycka
    Doświadczona lektorka języka angielskiego, certyfikowany trener umiejętności psychospołecznych (INTRA) oraz coach Akademii SET. Łączy nauczanie języka ze wspieraniem rozwoju osobistego. Współpracuje z korporacjami, prowadząc kursy Business English w LANG LTC.