Umiejętności autocoachingowe lidera
Leaders are constantly expected to listen to others, coach them and nurture their growth. They themselves are under great pressure to deal with unrealistic expectations and must endure intense exposure. Yet, in the fast-paced lives they lead, many do not take time to actually listen to themselves. Stale oczekujemy od liderów, że będą słuchać innych, być dla nich coachami i pomagać im w rozwoju. Oni sami są narażeni na presję oczekiwań – zarówno ze strony innych osób, jak i samych siebie, oraz na ciągłą ekspozycję. Jednak ze względu na tempo życia, jakie prowadzą, wielu z nich tak naprawdę nie poświęca czasu na to, aby usłyszeć samych siebie.
With the turn of a new year, many of us reflect on what we wish to change. While making often vague, yet rigid resolutions for the whole year has proven to be widely unsuccessful and guilt-generating, there are other workable methods that facilitate change. One of them is coaching: a practical methodology extremely helpful in moments of transition. Through active listening, support and ques...